New Sharon Tate Book Set for Release February 2012

Restless Souls: The Sharon Tate Family’s Account of Stardom, the Manson Murders, and a Crusade for Justice a new book about actress and Manson victim Sharon Tate and her family’s crusade for justice, will be released February.21, 2012.

The book will be available in hardcover, large-print paperback, and Kindle editions. through Amazon and as hardcover, paperback and NOOK Book editions through Barnes and Noble.

Product Overview:

The gruesome murders of the beautiful and talented actress Sharon Tate, her unborn child and four others that same night at the hands of the notorious “Manson family” rocked the nation. As one of the most horrific crimes in modern history, these atrocities, the trial and the subsequent conviction of Charles Manson and his followers caused a media sensation, spawning movies, documentaries and bestselling books, including the classic Helter Skelter. A defining moment in an era otherwise associated with radical peace, love and understanding, this incident is one that still resonates with millions today.

Yet while this crime left an indelible mark on society’s consciousness, it was, first and foremost, a shattering personal tragedy for those closest to Sharon—the loving family left to cope with the emotional devastation of her loss. Now, after nearly forty years, their story is finally revealed.

Compiled by close family friend Alisa Statman and Sharon’s niece Brie Tate, Restless Souls draws on a wealth of material including interviews with the Tates, personal letters, tape recordings, home movies, public interviews, private journals, and official documents to provide a powerful, poignant, and affecting four-decade, three-generation memoir of crime and punishment, anguish and hope, rage and love, that is both a chronicle of death and a celebration of life.

Extending beyond all previous accounts, Restless Souls is the most revealing, riveting, and emotionally raw account not just of these heinous murders, the hunt and capture of the killers and the behind-the-scenes drama of their trials, but of the torment victims families’ endure for years in the wake of such senseless violence.

Pre-orders are now being accepted on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Slush Pile Reader Top 10 Rated Manuscripts 12/31/11

Last rankings of 2011!

Here are the top 10 rated manuscripts on Slush Pile Reader as of December 31, 2011:

Rank: 1
Genres: Erotica, Romance, Popular culture, Other
Rank: 2
Genres: Comedy & Satire, Mystery & Thrillers
Rank: 3
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure
Rank: 4
Genres: Romance, Mystery & Thrillers
Rank: 5
Genres: Mystery & Thrillers, Literary fiction, Crime, Religion & Spirituality, Popular science, Horror
Rank: 6
Genres: Memoir, Comedy & Satire, Adventure
Rank: 7
Genres: Adventure, Chick lit, Comedy & Satire, Popular culture, Romance
Rank: 8
Genres: Comedy & Satire
Rank: 9
Genres: Adventure, Comedy & Satire, Horror
Rank: 10

Night Publishing (Valley Strategies Ltd t/a) announces profit for 2010-2011

Night Publishing decided to account everything in the UK, which means they’re reclaiming significant amounts of tax back from the US IRS to offset their being stiffed earlier this year for $5,000 by Amazon, who retrospectively adjusted their sales stats six months after they had paid Night the relevant royalties and Night paid those royalties to its authors.

Night Publishing will not reclaim any of Amazon’s error back from any of their authors. They have enough cash flow generated during 2011 to swallow the $5,000 loss, once Night reclaims their taxes from the IRS, which should happen soon.

Night has to account to Companies House and the UK Inland Revenue for the year April 2010 to March 2011, and they are pleased to announce they’d made a taxable profit of £330 during their first year.

Thanks to all who bought books written by Night Publishing authors. You helped in getting great new authors into print and taking their places into the literary world.

Networking Your Blog: The Author’s Secret Sales Tool

Free Workshop:


Networking Your Blog – The Author’s Secret Sales Tool – How to generate traffic for your blog, use your blog to attract readers, and alert readers of new content — automatically

The Author’s Secret is an author-support company specializing in training you how to promote, providing you with one-on-one coaching in marketing skills, guidance in creating personalized promotional plans, branding, and setting up social media accounts on the web. The Author’s Secret Tools are classes geared toward helping you accomplish the Author’s Goal One: Getting Your Name Out There.  Their goal: teaching you the skills you need to accomplish your Goal One. In addition, you’ll be shown how to protect and care for your computer, website, blog, and general online presence.


Class Information:

When? Wednesday December 28
What Time?  7-9PM Eastern.
Where? All classes are held on a forum to registered guests. Sign up on the Coffee Time Romance forums — the official sponsor.

Sign up by joining the CoffeeTime Romance forum here. If already a member, go here

Look for “Click here to join our classes” then select The Author’s Secret as your group, and click Join. Your approval will come via email. Please join early enough to attend class at 7PM EST. Initial information is already posted and waiting for you.

Time Zones (start times):

8:00PM Atlantic
7:00PM Eastern
6:00PM Central
5:00PM Mountain
4:00PM Pacific


For more information, send an email to
Follow Authors Secret on Twitter and friend on Facebook  to receive other offers and free tips.

‘Cruiserweight’ Bestseller Ranks on Amazon

December 28, 2011:

The Cruiserweight ranked #75 in Wrestling paid Kindle bestsellers and #37 in Wrestling Books on US Amazon.

As we all know, ranks do change quickly, but it was a pleasant surprise to see this good news today, considering the book was #88 on Kindle yesterday!

To all who have bought The Cruiserweight, thank you and I hope you enjoy your purchase.

Book of the Week/Free Press Book Review 12/27/11

With the beginning of each New Year, a deluge of diet ads, TV commercials, and books begin to flood the market, but how many of those actually offer long-term results – or even get to the core of why some of us gained weight to begin with?

Internationally recognized behavioral weight loss expert Renee Stephens offers a more realistic and workable solution in her new bookFull-Filled: The 6-Week Weight-Loss Plan for Changing Your Relationship with Food-and Your Life-from the Inside Out (Free Press, 2011).

Are you so emotionally addicted to eating that you would pull food from the trash? Like many who have an emotionally charged, unsatisfying relationship with food, taking food from the trash was only one of Stephens’ behaviors during her days as a food addict. In Full-Filled, she not only shares pieces of her own story and those of some of the patients she’d treated, but also outlines the five most common food triggers that cause overeating.

Full-Filled is not another diet; instead, it’s an easy-to-follow guide for anyone who battles food addiction, with in-depth views on how most people with weight problems get something out of overeating – how overeating and being overweight can be positive as well as negative – along with having unconscious objections to being slim (e.g. fear of unwanted attention).

Stephens also gives her perspectives on changing thoughts and behaviors related to food, how to begin to uncover “trigger” foods and situations, why so many people are out of touch with their bodies’ natural, healthy hunger, how structured eating can welcome freedom and comfort, and getting one’s “dream body” without the preachy descriptions of the ideal weight loss diet.

It isn’t even called weight loss in Full-Filled, but rather “weight release.”

Seven “slip ups” that are actually good for you? It’s true! Stephens also encourages not beating up ourselves when we backslide, but instead, use the experience to prevent future slip-ups.

In six-week steps which include journaling, Stephens’ “Dig In” exercises, joining or creating your own support group (she offers her own online Yahoo Group for support as well), pinpointing objections to becoming the person of your dreams, uncovering fears which drive you to overeat, Stephens’ “self-correction” , “re-do”, “pre-do” and “emotional freedom” techniques, and much more.

Nothing worth achieving is easy – especially facing our demons that trigger our food addictions – but Full-Filled offers helpful solutions without the judgmental, condescending, or preachy know-it-all attitudes.

For short term goals, any diet plan will do. For long-term results, Full-Filled could be your best solution.

Rating: 5/5

SEEN This Week 12/26/11

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got everything they asked for. In midst of the holiday rush, many in the book world had news to offer this past week:

Christine Schwab (Take Me Home From the Oscars) is starting a blog before the end of the year to help in her goal of getting rid of the “old folks arthritis.”

Lisa Scottoline’s new book Come Home is scheduled to be released April 10, 2012. Go to to pre-order and read the first chapter.

Adam Sifre’s Inside My Shorts: 30 Quickies may now be purchased on Smashwords and Amazon.

Pfoxmoor Publishing proudly welcomes The Battle of Sheol author Barbara Neville. Click here to read the complete press release.

Don Martin is looking for another writer to collaborate with. The work will be short non-fiction, and is under contract for publication. He is looking for published writers, but will also consider others (such as students) who want to get some publication credits under their belts. The work is not paid. Preferably the writer will live in So. Arizona, but others will be considered. Contact via Facebook if interested.

Mel Comley was interviewed December 20 by top thriller writer Robert Bidinotti on his blog.

Need covers for your ebooks? Graphicz X designs ready-to-go and custom ebook covers from just $30 Feel free to drop by and have a peek!

A Thirty-Something Girl by LM Stull is now available for sale on BookieJar.

G. R. Holton’s sci-fi novel Deep Screams won the Books and Books of the Year Best Science Fiction for 2011.

Barnes and Noble just reduced the NOOK edition price for Joanna Lee Doster’s book Maximum Speed to $0.99. Be sure to download a copy.

Do you have news that you’d like to see in a future column? Either post it on a related site or email before the following week. Also follow me on Twitter @lacarrington1.

Have a safe and happy New Year! May 2012 bring you prosperity and success.

Books for Christmas

In celebrating Christmas, we all need a break from all the rush and stress. What better way to relax than to enjoy a few good books with a Christmas theme?

Here are some good titles to enjoy during the holiday season, courtesy of Amazon; some holiday classics blended with more modern titles. Perhaps you may want to get an early start on your 2012 shopping for the reader on your list as well!

The Night Before Christmas and Other Popular Stories For Children by Various Authors

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

The Essential It’s a Wonderful Life: A Scene-By-Scene Guide to the Classic Film by Michael Willian

Saving Christmas by Clare Revell

The Christmas Angel by Abbie Farwell Brown

A Little Book of Christmas (1912) by John Kendrick Bangs

How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss

Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry

The Christmas Story by Jane Werner Watson

Christmas with Grandma Elsie (1916) by Martha Finley

Christmas Around the World by Mary Lankford

Mary’s Son: A Tale of Christmas by Darryl Nyznyk

I wish you all a safe, blessed, and Merry Christmas. May you receive everything you’ve wished for!

Coffee Time Romance Santa Watch

Join Coffee Time Romance & More for fun, prizes, and to learn what authors have in store for you in the coming year December 24 as they track Santa across the sky with NORAD. Coffee Time has it all – a Kindle, LOTS of books and other prizes to give away!

Here is a sneak peek into who will be there: Tarah Scott, Melissa Alvarez, Jimmy Thomas, KyAnn Waters, Desiree Holt, Grace Burrowes, Etopia Press, T. C. Archer, Zee Fire Pages Reviews, Queentutt, Kat Martin, Natasha Blackthorne, Amy Atwell, Anju Gattani, The Wild Rose Press, Bella Andre,  and Amber Kell.

Join everyone at Coffee Time as they watch for Santa, laugh, and share in the Christmas Spirit!

The fun begins 6 am EST on the Coffee Time blog.

‘The Butterfly Garden’ by Chip St. Clair

 Amazon :: Kindle :: B&N :: Indiebound 

Product Description

Fear rocked Chip St. Clair’s world. As a boy, he never knew what would set his father off–maybe the ice cubes had melted in his glass of Tab, maybe dinner was overcooked or undercooked or the gravy was too runny. Regardless, the beatings always came. As did the twisted games of cat and mouse–being thrown from a rowboat into frigid Lake Michigan, the middle-of-the-night moves to different states, or being left to dangle over a ten-story balcony while his father watched from inside.

But one fateful night when the police answered the call, the truth came to light from the shadows, sparking national headlines: Chip St. Clair’s entire life–his name, even his date of birth–had been a lie, and the man he called ‘Dad’ was an impostor, an escaped child killer who had been on the run for over two decades. The stunning revelation would send one of America’s Most Wanted to justice and another on a quest for his true identity.

With chilling detail and a riveting, lyrical narrative, The Butterfly Garden reveals St. Clair’s struggle to piece together his haunted past before it consumes him and shares his inspiring metamorphosis from victim to victim’s advocate. The Butterfly Garden is a timeless triumph, a reminder that hope can be the most powerful of all emotions, freeing us to soar despite the past and the odds against us.


Living through his own harrowing experience, Chip St. Clair  not only wrote this amazing book, but also founded The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation with his wife Lisa. The foundation helps children who suffered similar experiences heal through literature and creative arts. Chip also fights tough legislation aimed at combating identity theft and protecting children, having worked with fathers-turned-advocates Mark Lunsford and Marc Klaas, and most recently helping to pass versions of Jessica’s Law in Montana, Michigan, and Maryland. Chip received a US Congressional Record in 2005 for his advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected children.

He has appeared on television programs such as Dateline, Good Morning America, and most recently, the December 21, 2011 episode of Investigation Discovery’s The Devil You Know.


Web Site:

St. Clair Butterfly Foundation:

Wikipedia: Chip St. Clair